SALK (Semi-Active Laser guidance Kit) is a rocket guidance system for the terminal flight phase. It leads the rocket to a spot, designated by an external laser allocator.

SALK is composed by two different modules: the Electro-Optical Spot Detection (EOSD) and the Guidance and Control Section (GCS).

The EOSD acts as the main sensor. This module is composed of the Objective for Laser Spot Detection (OLSD), which is the optomechanical set that contains the optical objective for the detection of the laser spot; and the Laser Spot Processor Unit (LSPU), which comprises a segmented quadrant position-sensing detector and the signal processing electronics.

The GCS integrates the electronics, actuators and control surfaces needed to process the information from the EOSD and to modify and correct the trajectory of the rocket in order to reach the objective.

SALK is designed to be integrated on different rockets with a 70 mm calibre. In order to maintain the independence of the rocket, it is mounted on a mechanical adapter designed for this purpose.

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